Friday, June 19, 2020

Short Stories online!

Hi everyone!
One of my recent goals was to have my short stories posted online and here they are! I'm apart of a writer's blog and it's been challenging and fun. Below is the link to some of my latest short stories that I've written. Enjoy!

Feel free to comment here on my blog of what you think of the stories. Thank you for the support :)

Friday, June 5, 2020

Favorites List (pt.8)- Top favorite Movies of all Time!

Okay so this is never easy but somewhat it is. I ask myself what are my favorite movies of all time and immediately certain movies come to mind which are these below:

Top 5 favorite movies of all time:

1. Rocky
2. The Passion of the Christ
3. 12 Years a Slave
4. City Lights
5. Lawerence of Arabia

By the end of the year maybe this list will change since I've been watching many films this year.
But these films I've listed have stood the test of time and when I watch them I always leave feeling like I've grown inches in my imagination, they teach me about craftsmanship, story structure, tone, how to use music, and the performances in each of these films are amazing!

I hope you've enjoyed the lists that I've been posting, there might be more in the near future.

Have a safe and blessed day everyone!


Favorites List (pt. 7)- Directors

There are just so many directors that I've learned from and studied and read about and their work impresses me, but I decided to narrow it down to just the top 5 of my favorite directors and here they are:

Film Directors

1. Terrence Malick
2. Martin Scorsese
3. Orson Welles
4. Steve McQueen
5. Michael Mann

Their visions can be unique, they tell challenging stories, and they always inspire me to be a more bold storyteller.

Feel free to leave comments if you've seen any of their work.
Be well everyone!

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Favorite List (pt. 6)- Female Actors

Over the years it changes for me who I consider my favorite actress' but as for now these are my top 6 favorite actress' (in no particular order). They dig deep and leave a remaining stain on your soul if you allow them to. They've given us such incredible performances throughout the years.

1. Viola Davis
2. Meryl Streep
3. Barbara Stanwyck
4. Liv Ullman
5. Michelle Williams

Feel free to leave a comment.
Be well everyone!

Favorites List (pt. 5)- Male Actors

I have so many actors that I admire and enjoy watching but then there are a handful that seem to be in a different realm when it comes to acting; it's as if they're coming from another planet and reaches into the strastosphere of uniqueness that is astounding to behold on screen.

These are my top 6 favorite male actors (in no particular order) for the time being.

1. Daniel Day-Lewis
2. Phillip Seymour Hoffman
3. Denzel Washington
4. Marlon Brando
5. Steve Mcqueen
6. Tom Hardy

Feel free to leave a comment.
Remain safe and healthy!