Monday, November 23, 2020

'The Formerly Session' online!

 Award-winning short movie 'The Formerly Session' has been released online. Had a great time making this movie. Wonderful cast and crew. Enjoy! 

Feel free to comment and share, thanks!


Wednesday, October 14, 2020

'The Water Image' online!

Hi everyone, hope all are safe and healthy. Below is the link to a short movie I co-directed late last year titled- 'The Water Image'


Sunday, September 20, 2020

'The Formerly Session' update

 Glad to announce 'The Formerly Session', has been officially selected at the 9filmfest festival in bangkok thailand. I had a good time directing this short.

Check out some on location photos of our production:

Be safe and stay healthy!

'Water Color Canvas' update

As you may know,'Water Color Canvas' is a fashion film I directed last year; worked with a wonderful crew and female models. It's produced by Cherry Fu. It's her clothes that are presented in the short. Recent news, the fashion film has been selected in the Land of Enchantment family film and fashion festival.

If you haven't seen it, the link is below. Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Back to the times when...bts (pt.1)

This new series is going to show behind the scenes of some of the movies I directed in the past. Obviously I love directing on location. The collaboration and seeing scenes come to life in front of me is thrilling. I haven't directed since last December 2019. Miss it. Will be back to it, God willing, early next year. 

For now, I begin with 'Carry On'. A short drama that I was commissioned to direct. It was filmed in 2016. The finished product was never released. 

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Post 'Private thoughts...'

'Private Thoughts of a Modern Day Storyteller' is the latest documentary I've directed. It's me speaking about storytelling. Production is complete, it's now in post-production. 

Storytelling is such a significant part of who I am as a person; to dictate in this movie the importance of it and the various aspects of it is thrilling.

Updates will follow...

Be safe. 

Monday, July 27, 2020

Directors Quotes

"A Director makes a 100 decisions an hour. If you don't know how to make the right decision, you're not a director."

-George Lucas

"It's all one film to me. Just different chapters."

-Robert Altman

"The successful the villian, the more successful the picture."

-Alfred Hitchcock

"If you're in your lane there's no traffic. It goes from here to where you wan to go if where you want to go is a true place."

-Ava Duvernay

"To make a film is easy. To make a good film is war. To make a very good film is a miracle."

-Alejandro G. Iarritu

"The only safe thing is to take a chance."

-Mike Nicohls

"Drama is life with the dull bits cut out."

-Alfred Hitchcock

"I've been called many names like perfectionist, difficult and obessive. I think it takes obsession, takes searching for the details for any artist to be good."

-Barbara Streisand

"Art does not exist only to entertain, but also to challenge one to think, to provoke, even disturb, in a constant search for the truth."

-Barbara Streisand

"...and the only thing that gets me through is a sense of humor."

-Martin Scorsese

Friday, June 19, 2020

Short Stories online!

Hi everyone!
One of my recent goals was to have my short stories posted online and here they are! I'm apart of a writer's blog and it's been challenging and fun. Below is the link to some of my latest short stories that I've written. Enjoy!

Feel free to comment here on my blog of what you think of the stories. Thank you for the support :)

Friday, June 5, 2020

Favorites List (pt.8)- Top favorite Movies of all Time!

Okay so this is never easy but somewhat it is. I ask myself what are my favorite movies of all time and immediately certain movies come to mind which are these below:

Top 5 favorite movies of all time:

1. Rocky
2. The Passion of the Christ
3. 12 Years a Slave
4. City Lights
5. Lawerence of Arabia

By the end of the year maybe this list will change since I've been watching many films this year.
But these films I've listed have stood the test of time and when I watch them I always leave feeling like I've grown inches in my imagination, they teach me about craftsmanship, story structure, tone, how to use music, and the performances in each of these films are amazing!

I hope you've enjoyed the lists that I've been posting, there might be more in the near future.

Have a safe and blessed day everyone!


Favorites List (pt. 7)- Directors

There are just so many directors that I've learned from and studied and read about and their work impresses me, but I decided to narrow it down to just the top 5 of my favorite directors and here they are:

Film Directors

1. Terrence Malick
2. Martin Scorsese
3. Orson Welles
4. Steve McQueen
5. Michael Mann

Their visions can be unique, they tell challenging stories, and they always inspire me to be a more bold storyteller.

Feel free to leave comments if you've seen any of their work.
Be well everyone!

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Favorite List (pt. 6)- Female Actors

Over the years it changes for me who I consider my favorite actress' but as for now these are my top 6 favorite actress' (in no particular order). They dig deep and leave a remaining stain on your soul if you allow them to. They've given us such incredible performances throughout the years.

1. Viola Davis
2. Meryl Streep
3. Barbara Stanwyck
4. Liv Ullman
5. Michelle Williams

Feel free to leave a comment.
Be well everyone!

Favorites List (pt. 5)- Male Actors

I have so many actors that I admire and enjoy watching but then there are a handful that seem to be in a different realm when it comes to acting; it's as if they're coming from another planet and reaches into the strastosphere of uniqueness that is astounding to behold on screen.

These are my top 6 favorite male actors (in no particular order) for the time being.

1. Daniel Day-Lewis
2. Phillip Seymour Hoffman
3. Denzel Washington
4. Marlon Brando
5. Steve Mcqueen
6. Tom Hardy

Feel free to leave a comment.
Remain safe and healthy!

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Favorites List (pt. 4)- Westerns

Westerns have been claimed by American cinema for many years. It's a genre that is very exciting to behold on screen when it's done with excellent craftmanship all around. Here are my top 5 favorite westerns that have had an impact on me (in no particular order):

1. Once Upon a time in the West
2. Hostiles
3. The Good, the Bad & the Ugly
4. No Country for Old Men
5. True Grit

Leave a comment let me know what you think of these movies.
Be safe and healthy!

Favorites List (pt.3)- War films

War movies are some of the most intense, emotional stories I've seen on screen. Here are my top 5 favorite war movies (in no particular order):

1. Paths of Glory
2. The Big Red One
3. The Thin Red Line
4. Saving Private Ryan
5. Attack!

Feel free to leave a comment about what you think of these movies.
Be safe and healthy!

Friday, May 29, 2020

Inspired Short Stories

I've been writing short stories since I was around ten, eleven years old. I never had any of them published. However, I've been inspired to write new material and have found a 'home' for these recently written short stories. They have been posted on a writer's group blog. The links is below.


'Star Kiss'

Leave comments here if you like or join the writer's group and comment on there.
Be safe and healthy everyone!

Favorites List (pt.2)- Comedy

These are my favorite comedy movies that make my side hurt, they make laugh so hard and then there's pretty good messages in these movies. In no particular order...


1. 'It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World'
2. 'Dumb and Dumber'
3. 'The Odd Couple'
4. 'GroundHog Day'
5. 'Modern Times'

If you seen any of these movies let me know what you thought of them. Have a safe and healthy day!

The Favorites List (pt. 1)- Docs

Hi all, starting today is the beginning of my 'favorites' list. It will probably change near the end of the year, but as of right now these are my favorites pertaining to cinema. They're in no particular order. Enjoy!

First 'Favorites' List will be:


1. What Happened Miss Simone?
2. The Last Dance
3. Warhol
4. Listen to me Marlon
5. I Called him Morgan

Feel free to leave comments. If you seen any of these movies let me know what you thought of them :)

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Going on and on...

Yes, these have been trying times but the writing doesn't stop. Developing scripts and stage plays for the near future. Even in quarantine I can't waste time, what will we, the storytellers, have when it's time to present to the audience- who eagerly wait to see something new and fresh and fun and informing. After all is said and done adapting to a new world will be before us. Until then creativity goes on and on... :)

Be safe and healthy everyone!


'The Formerly Session' wins!

Gladly to announce 'The Formerly Session' won best short film and best actor at the Scene Festival!
Thank you all who voted for us :)

Best Short win video:

Best Actor (Stu Li) win video:

Monday, February 17, 2020

Book of Towers 11: Brando

 He never did want to be an actor. He never wanted to stay in Omaha, Nebraska either. He wanted to make a difference in the world. He wanted to live a life that had purpose. He learned from his mother to never compromise, stand up for what you believe in and be your own person, to love nature. He learned from his father...forgiveness. He dated his acting teachers' daughter. He dated a lot of women, had many one night stands, was searching, always searching, hated injustice, hated phoniness, didn't understand what the big deal was about being a 'celebrity' and didn't support something he didn't fully believe in. He was a great storyteller; he'd hold a room captive with his aura and charm, ever since he was a young man. Searching.
  By the time I finished reading the book 'The Contender', I felt like hugging this complex human being. It's one of the most thrilling biography books I ever read. And I've read many. William J. Mann, the writer, dives deep into this man's life, what made him into the man we immediately think of- the incredible actor- the large man sitting in the courtroom because one of his sons, Christian, killed his half-sister's boyfriend. But you see this man was more than that, he was a activist, a environmentalist, a big reader; loved Shakespeare and Jung and he loved to learn about people. He was a conversationalist when he wanted to be, because there's time when he could just sit for hours in silence. He was a thoughtful person. Humorous. A prankster. He saw through people, he could read people and knew what made people tick and wouldn't waste time with superficiality.
  Yes he had his lines written on large boards on set to be read. How did that famous scene in 'On the Waterfront' in the back of the 'cab' come together? Which directors did he enjoy working with the most? His tumultuos relationship with Rita Moreno, yes it's all here in this well crafted book. The impeccable flow and structure of this book makes every page count.
  What would he say about the world today? Would he still be acting today? Would he...what would Bud do? He was an evolving human being. These are the most fascinating people. The dreamers. The adventurous. The risk-takers. The ones who rebelled but for good reason, because they see it all so differently. Understood, misunderstood. Marlon Brando-the Contender.

Monday, February 10, 2020

'Private Thoughts...' documentary

New documentary, 'Private thoughts of a Modern Day Storyteller' begins production this month in New Jersey. Storytelling is such an important factor in my life. It's apart of humanity. It's a universal artform and a lifestyle for me. Choosing to want to tell a story is a big step and then one has to find a great way to tell it. The challenges are only as high and important as much as we make it out to be.

This documentary will speak deeply to the ones who find comfort, pain and an urge in storytelling.
The movie will be told mainly in voiceover. I'm the narrator, it's my thoughts, it's my observations in storytelling.

Here is the link:

Wrapping the 'Water'

It's a wrap! 'The Water Image' finished principal photography on Dec. 29th, 2019. Nice way to end the year. To view behind the scenes photos check out our imdb page.