Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Director's Quotes Pt. 2

'Pick up a camera, shoot something. No matter how small, no matter how cheesy, no matter whether your friends and your sister star in it. Put your name on it as a director. Now you're a Director. Everything after that you're just negotiating your budget and your fee.'

-James Cameron

'I love making movie. If I wasn't paid to do it, I would pay to do it.'

-David Lean

'Follow your vision. At the same time, be not afraid of solitude.'

-Werner Herzog

'...in a sense making movies is itself a quest...it seemed to me a wonderful idea that you could remake the world, hopefully a bit better, braver, and more beautiful than it was presented to us.'

-John Boorman

'No matter where cinema goes, we cannot afford to lose sight of its beginnings.'

-Martin Scorsese

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Directors' Quote pt.1

Over time I've written down quotes from directors that I've come across in a interview or book. These quotes inspire and help to keep me focused on my journey as a director/writer and some I just find to be just plain truthful:

'...there's nowhere to hide as a director you are completely exposed when you write and direct a film. It directly reflects you and you have to be willing to accept what that is when it's finished.'
           -Ryan Gosling

'When I put on my directors uniform, so to speak, I'm out of danger. Once I arrive on the set with a galloping fever, but as soon as I looked through the lens it went away. When you're filming you feel like yourself again, a director, without age, outside of time, without infirmities, invulnerable.'
          -Federico Fellini

'To make a film is to improve life.'
          -Francois Truffaut

'Directors don't make pictures, directors make things that your suppose to get an emotional hit off of.
Your suppose to feel something, its behavior, color...'
          -David Fincher

'In the end it became obvious. You (as director) don't make a performance. A director allows a performance. This is very much the case.'
          -David Fincher

...more to come